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Astrachain provides a Safe As A Service

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A new interview

October 2021, Yosra Jarraya, Co-Founder and CEO of Astrachain, is invited to the BFM Business set for the “Start-up Booster” show.

For this premiere on BFM, Yosra is interviewed by Frédéric Simottel, editor-in-chief and tech columnist at BFM.

On this occasion, Yosra explains how Astrachain works and its SPLIT solution: a decentralized vault as a service.

plateforme DOP

The Astrachain thesis

Astrachain is based on the notion of cryptography, fragmentation, Omnicloud and decentralization. The start-up thus provides security, confidentiality and collaboration around Premium data (personal, regulated, confidential and high value).

With this platform called DOP (Decentralized Omnicloud Platform), productivity and security can come together through next-generation enterprise tools. These collaboration tools are simple, effective and fast and are combined with strong data security.

With this technology, employees no longer need to use shadow IT or their personal tools, which increases the security of IT systems.

The proposed solutions

Based on the blockchain and what Astrachain calls the Omnicloud, the start-up offers two solutions.

On the one hand, it offers companies to entrust their data to a decentralized safe named SPLIT and to use it as a saas solution.

On the other hand, it offers companies to entrust the underlying storage of their software, in order to secure them.

Depending on the level of data security, Astrachain will define the number of storage locations as well as the type of cloud to use. Either on the company’s private server or on a public cloud.

Thus, the more the data is decentralized, the more the security increases. The traceability of the data also remains complete.

An example

For example, if a company faces an ineffective attack in the computer system and the hacker attacks a data center, with SPLIT, he would only hold partial and encrypted data. He can’t do anything then.

From a business perspective, it has access to a unified dashboard for governance of its data. Thanks to the “error code management”, it will be able to reconstruct its data even if part of it is missing. Indeed, this technology makes it possible to maintain productivity.

Added value

With time and money, it is possible to break any type of encryption. What makes the “+” of Astrachain is that you have to mobilize a lot more effort to break a data that is distributed in several cloud providers. It must indeed be found, re-collected and then deciphered.

With Astrachain, there is an even more complex additional step to solve.

Moreover, this idea is reinforced by the fact that quantum computing is more and more evoked, where encryption would become obsolete. So many regulated companies and many software vendors would therefore be looking at how to meet this new challenge. Here, Astrachain provides a valid answer thanks to the decentralization system.

The typology of customers

Any company can use this solution.

For Astrachain, it targets in particular companies handling sensitive data such as banks, law firms, insurance companies or even companies in the health sector.

Software publishers or digital solution providers are also part of their customers because they gain a competitive advantage by embedding the DOP proposed by the start-up.

Continuous development

On the recruitment side, Astrachain is looking for all types of specialized profiles. Whether at the development and application architecture level, as well as at the commercial level.

If you want to join the adventure, apply on hello@astrachain.com

On the BtoB(toB) side, the young start-up wants to become the new standard for data security. To do this, it will continue to build secure collaborative applications but also agrees to form partnerships with software publishers.

Astrachain is also in discussion with several SSIs and SNs who will assist major accounts with the implementation of the SPLIT solution, but also with their more global security strategy.

To learn more about our SPLIT product : https://www.astrachain.com/#products 

To see or review the interview : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvFlnqPQSIM&t=144s 

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