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Astrachain fragments the data to better secure it

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On the occasion of its fundraising of 2 million euros, Astrachain was published for the first time in the newspaper Les Echos in November 2021.

It was then our Co-Founder & CEO Yosra Jarraya, who lent herself to the game of the interview.

The creation of Astrachain

In the summer of 2021, Yosra Jarraya, accompanied by her life partner Gilles Seghaier, created the company Astrachain.

This former business lawyer was looking for an innovative idea on the personal data of companies.

This is how she found the solution she wanted to implement: securing the data of large companies with the principle of blockchain.

The solution named SPLIT

Companies tend to store their data in a single private cloud.

As for Astrachain, it encrypts the data, fragments it into several pieces, then distributes it to several cloud providers.

Therefore, if there is an incident in a data center, the data is not lost. Indeed, each fragment contains a piece of the other fragments. It is then always possible for the company to fully reconstruct its data.

As a result, this solution allows companies to avoid having to put in place a disaster recovery plan. The SPLIT solution makes it possible to keep IT services constantly operational.

Currently, this technology uses the principle of the private blockchain. Astrachain wishes in the future to be able to offer its customers the possibility of using a public blockchain.

Reinforced security

Thanks to the principle of decentralization, no government can have access to company data. Indeed, the suppliers are of different nationalities and therefore cannot reconstruct the data.

At the moment, Astrachain is connected with OVH, AWS, Google and Scaleway. The start-up wants to add other subsidiaries soon such as Azure.

Thus, there is a neutrality with respect to the data and the latter cannot therefore be grouped together by the majority.

The Cloud Act, which came into force in 2018, illustrates these remarks. This authorizes American justice to seize data in Europe if they are hosted on American services such as AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud.

Astrachain copes with this problem thanks to the different nationalities of the storage places.

In addition, the start-up itself does not have access to the data stored by the companies.

A fundraising of 2 million

It is with the investment fund Newfund and business angels that Astrachain realizes its fundraising.

Among these business angels, we find Stéphane Courbit. This media specialist and ex-employer of Yosra Jarraya had financed the start-up from its inception.

Thanks to this fundraising, Astrachain will be able to recruit rare tech profiles. She also wants to expand her team specializing in cryptology.

Ambitions for the future

As a first step, Astrachain wishes to receive the certification from Anssi with which it has already started the process.

Then, the young start-up seeks to introduce its solution to companies in the health and education sector. It also offers a cheaper offer for the latter.

Finally, Astrachain wishes to continue its development and affirm its solution to the three large groups which are already experimenting with the SPLIT solution.

Learn more about SPLIT : https://www.astrachain.com/#products 

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