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Continuous availability with the DOP plateform (Decentralized Omnicloud Platform)

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Sometimes cloud providers no longer meet the needs of their customers.

This lack of response may be due to a technical incident, an overload (cybercriminal) with a denial of response, a political choice to benefit this or that population, a natural disaster…

This unavailability may be temporary or long-term (or even permanent).

At Astrachain, we have the solution so that our customers can continue to access their data, risk-free, even in the event of a supplier failure. We call this continuous availability.

The reasons for the unavailability of a cloud provider

A cloud provider may go down.

When it finds itself unable to function, it is often the victim of a technical breakdown, a natural disaster or a cyberattack.


In the event of cyberattacks, it is also common for a company to end up paying a ransomware to recover some or all of its data.

Indeed, between 2019 and 2020, ransomware attacks against businesses and institutions increased by 32%. So, 20% of companies were victims of a cyberattack followed by a ransom demand in 2020.


Consequently, the cloud no longer becomes functional and companies run the risk of no longer having access to their data or worse, of losing their data. The company then finds itself faced with a problem of resilience and must launch the process “compensating for a service interruption” (called a disaster recovery plan). The more critical the service, the greater the urgency or criticality of this outage. These incidents have at least an impact on productivity and often on turnover.

The solution provided by Astrachain

Thanks to Astrachain’s Decentralized Omnicloud Platform (DOP), built on intelligent fragmentation (with error handling) and decentralized data storage, if a cloud provider fails, the company still has access to its data. Indeed, the DOP platform has, by design, the ability to reconstruct the original data with a missing fragment.



Indeed, with the management of error codes (in addition to the encryption carried out upstream on the data), the original file can be reconstituted in full thanks to this algorithm. Smart sharding takes into consideration the total number of shards and the minimum number of shards to achieve slicing. It thus resembles other approaches known in the IT world, such as RAID 5 disks, applied to an inter-cloud context.


Moreover, even in the event of a cyber attack, it is impossible for the cyber attacker to reconstruct the data since it is partial and initially encrypted.

As a result, there is no data loss and no business impact. The company maintains its productivity and does not need to put in place a disaster recovery plan.


For its part, the company has a complete view of the situation and can therefore anticipate its actions.

For more information on our products : www.astrachain.com

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