Open API (swagger)

The SPLiT platform includes a list of features, enabling you to process your Sensitive Data in the simplest manner : create, read, edit, add version, share.
The complete features list is available in the SPLiT documentation.

And to make it even simpler, Astrachain also brings accelerators (SDKs, samples).

Keyless Encryption

Security without the complexity of keys management

Keys management is very complex and not at all user friendly to the Dev and Ops teams : SPLiT includes keyless encryption, thanks to the All Or Nothing Transform (AONT) technology combined with Reed Solomon error coding algorithm.
Any data that goes through SPLiT is encrypted and splitted, ensuring the highest level of security and disabling any possibility for the cloud providers to exploit the data in any manner.

Cloud technologies

A cloud native data privacy platform

SPLiT benefits from all the strengths of cloud computing : the platform is natively portable (containers & kubernetes), optimized and architectured in µServices.
In the SPLiT as-a-Service offer, Astrachain supports OVH, Scaleway, GCP and AWS. The platform will soon be deployed over additional cloud providers.

Cockpit (soon)

Indicators and data governance

SPLiT.cockpit is the place where you can manage the platform.
You can monitor your consumption, see the servers status, manage access and govern your Sensitive Data.

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